Theoretical Framework


The history of the utilization of the biogas shows independent developments in several developed and industrialized countries. Normally, the biogas produced by a biodigestor can it was using directly as any other combustible gas. Nevertheless, it is possible that his utilization needs sometimes processes that, for example, reduce the content of sulphur of hydrogen. When the biogas mixes with air in a proportion 1 to 20, a highly explosive mixture is formed. Therefore, the losses of the cañerías in closed spaces constitute a potential danger.

What is biogas?

The biogas is a gas mixture which principal components are the methane and the dioxide of carbon, which takes place as result of the fermentation of the organic matter in absence of the air, for the action of a group of microorganisms. In the nature one finds a great variety of organic residues from which biogas can be obtained, between them they are: the waste from domestic animals like cows, porks and birds, vegetable residues like straws, pastures, dry leaves and domestic garbages.

How use the biogas?

The production of biogas for decomposition without air (anaerobic decomposition) is a useful way to treat biodegradable residues, provided that it produces a fuel of value, and generates the effluent one that can be applied as generic credit or conditioner of soil.

What is a renewable energy?

All the sources of energy, except the geothermal one and the nuclear one, proceed, in last instance of the Sun, but the usual thing is to identify as solar power the renewable energy obtained with the direct employment of the energy of the Sol in the shape of light or heat. We deal as renewable energy that one which source of obtaining is renewed constant, opposite to the not renewable energies, which are not renewed or which have a few very long periods of renovation.


Biomass, abbreviation of biological mass, quantity of alive matter produced in a certain area of the terrestrial surface, or for organisms of a specific type. This term is used by major frequency to refer to the energy of biomass, that is to say, to the energetic fuel that is obtained directly or indirectly of biological resources. :

- The biomass is considered the second fount of energy more ecological
- Fuel is much cheaper than fossil fuels (natural gas, butane, propane or diesel) and electricity, this can save a 40 % . 
-  Biomass is a renewable source of energy and its use does not contribute to global warming. In fact, a reduction in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, as it acts as a container and can increase soil carbon.
- Reduccion of CO2 emisions
- This production is renewable

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