Conceptual framework

The biogas is a combustible gas that is generated in natural means or in specific devices, for the reactions of biodegradation of the organic matter, by means of the action of microorganisms, in air absence (anaerobic environment). When the organic matter decomposes in absence of oxygen, it operates this type of bacteria, generating biogas
It is called a biogas to the mixture constituted by methane (CH4) in a proportion that ranges between 50 % to 70 % and carbon dioxide (CO2), containing small proportions of other gases as hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2) and sulphur of hydrogen (H2S).
A biodigestor is a natural system that takes advantage of the anaerobic digestion of the bacteria that already they live in the manure, to transform this one in biogas and fertilizer. The biogas can be used as fuel in the kitchens, or lighting, and in big facilities it is possible to use for feeding a generator that produces electricity.
. The fertilizer, called biól, initially has been considered to be a secondary product, but nowadays this being considered of the same importance, or major, that the biogas since it provides to the rural families of a natural fertilizer that improves very much the performance of the crops.The familiar biodigestores of low cost have been developed and widely implanted in countries of the Southeast Asia, but in South America, alone countries as Argentina, Cuba, Colombia and Brazil have this technology developed. These models of biodigestores relatives constructed from sleeves of tubular polyethylene, are characterized by his low cost, easy installation and maintenance, as well as for needing only of local materials for his construction. By it they are considered to be a ' appropriate technology .The families dedicated to the agriculture, are in the habit of being owners of small quantities of cattle (two or three you become vacant for example) and can take advantage, therefore, of the manure to produce his own fuel and a natural improved fertilizer. It is necessary to to think that the manure accumulated near the housings supposes an area of infection, smells and flies that will disappear on the manure having been introduced every day in the familiar biodigestor. Also it is important to remember the quantity of respiratory diseases that suffer, principally the women, for the inhalation of smoke on having cooked in spaces closed with fuelwood or muck dries. The combustion of the biogas does not produce visible smokes and his load in ash is infinitely minor that the smoke from the burning of wood.

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